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Showing posts with the label Earthbound Souls

"Earthbound" Spirits - What Are They Really?

Let's start by saying that anything anyone tells you about "the other side" is always going to be from their own experiences, and often beliefs will cloud experiences – as spiritual workers, we do our best not to let this happen, but it's human nature and even the most objective of us still have hidden belief structures that form who we are, and I'm no different. As always, please trust your own  experiences and intuition as they will lead you on the path that is meant for you. The below points are based solely on my experiences and understanding of the other side, and not information I have read about or repeated without having a "knowing" of it in some way. My definition of earthbound spirits are human souls who, for whatever reason, have not crossed over to the other side yet after having died – call the other side whatever you like: the Afterlife, the Summerlands, the Otherworld, Heaven, whatever. Out of everyone who dies, very, very, very few remain