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Showing posts with the label Tarot

Why I Love Tarot

It’s healing. It’s that simple. Most people who come for a Reading just need a confirmation of what they already know. The cards more often than not give them the “yes” they are looking for to move ahead. Sometimes there is a “have you considered this [challenge / scenario]?” But there is rarely a “no”. It’s not up to anyone to say no to something you fully want to do, anyway. All you need is guidance on how to go about doing it. Personally, I don’t think Tarot, or any clairvoyant or seer, can tell you anything you don’t already know on some level, because Tarot is a mirror  –  it reflects what is already here (albeit sometimes hidden). So it is not about “prediction” as such  –  it is about bringing to light the hidden. I don’t need to know anything about you to Read cards for you. Although a good, clear question is handy. Even without a question, though, the Reading will centre around a focal issue in your life, or something you’re supposed to pay attention to. However,